Everyday two construction workers die of work-related injuries in the United States. One in five workplace fatalities are construction-related. The top causes of construction-related fatalities are falls, struck-by an object, electrocution and caught between objects. Unfortunately, it’s difficult for an employee to sue their employer for on-the-job injuries other than using the workers’ compensation system. Sometimes, the owner of the …
Safety on The Road: Rear Facing Car Seats
Safety on the road usually entails seatbelts for adults, but what about toddlers? Many parents worry about rear facing car seats because of the reaction of their child. Infants often cry which leads to a frustrated car ride. If you’re like a lot of parents, you’re counting down the days until you can put your child in a regular forward-facing …
Rise in Nursing Home Abuse in the US
When a loved one slips into senility and their family can no longer provide them the care they deserve, many families look to nursing homes for help. Unfortunately, there are some disheartening statistics surrounding nursing homes and the abuse of the elderly each year. More than two million cases of elder abuse are reported every year, and almost one out …
Sports and Injuries
Athletes and physical education students are constantly in the line of danger. Catastrophic sports injuries killed 50 young athletes last year and every year sports injuries put at least 30,000 high school athletes in the hospital. Catastrophic injuries can never be eliminated in an action sports setting, but through effective risk management, the inherent risks of the event can be …
Preventing Car Accidents On I-12
Dangerous Driving In Louisiana In the previous year, Louisiana took the spot as the tenth most dangerous state to be a driver. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the state suffered approximately 15.9 road deaths for every 100,000 people with more car accidents occurring on rural roads. While Louisiana has hundreds of miles of urban and rural roads, …