Athletes and physical education students are constantly in the line of danger. Catastrophic sports injuries killed 50 young athletes last year and every year sports injuries put at least 30,000 high school athletes in the hospital.
Catastrophic injuries can never be eliminated in an action sports setting, but through effective risk management, the inherent risks of the event can be reduced. The majority of catastrophic injuries occur at facilities and do not conform to the rules. All coaches, physical education teachers, and administrators are required to provide a safe environment for athletes in sports.
When rules and safety procedures are not followed, a seemingly minor injury can put players out of their work. Here at McGinity Law Firm, Douglas McGinity is an experienced and responsible injury attorney who can help injured clients in a broad spectrum of situations, including:
- Improper padding or inadequate helmets that result in concussions and injuries.
- Inadequate training of a coach who doesn’t properly inspect a player’s injury before letting him or her return to the game.
- Insufficient padding that results in broken bones or other injuries
- Unskilled training of physical education teachers who ask students to do more than they are capable of doing.
After an injury people believe that they can treat themselves. Serious injuries will occasionally require a procedure or operation to align misplaced bones, fix broken bones, or repair torn ligaments. Depending on the type of injury, it can take a few weeks or months to make a full recovery. Time is very important when it comes to your job and daily life. Seeking a responsible injury attorney can help alleviate damages suffered as a result of the injury.
Catastrophic sports injuries can be mentally, physically and financially traumatic. Douglas McGinity has been a leader in representing those that have been injured for over 15 years and has awarded max compensation to his clients. For injuries, minor to major, contact Douglas McGinity for your free consultation today!