Insurance companies are infamous for delaying claims, denying legitimate claims or trying to settle a claim for far less than they are worth. Picture this, you’re a business property owner and a car drives straight into your business. As a business owner, you file a insurance claim but you are having problems getting your insurance company to pay up. Many times, people stay at a standstill for way too long and you could find yourself in a situation where you insurance provider has completely denied your claim.
If your insurance company is refusing to pay your bills, you may have a claim for bad faith. If you get injured in an accident, there are multiple issues to consider. Here are the steps you should go through:
-Figure out who is at fault.
-Determine how much compensation you are entitled to receive.
-Navigate the process for getting your claim paid
In most accident cases, someone’s insurance company pays the claim and not out of pocket. Here’s where bad faith steps in. Bad faith is when an insurance company fails to meet its contractual obligations under the insurance policy. Here are some examples.
-The insurance company takes way too long to send out an adjuster to investigate your claim.
-Despite careful documentation supporting your claim, the insurance company denies the claim.
-The insurance company refuses to or unreasonably delays paying an agreed settlement amount or judgement.
If you suspect bad faith, you should contact attorney Douglas McGinity. He has helped victims across the state of Louisiana. Douglas McGinity holds insurance companies accountable so that his clients get the compensation that they deserve.