Christmas has come and gone, and now everyone is making their New Year’s resolutions and plans for the last night of the year. While we hope you ring in the New Year with a roaring celebration, don’t forget these safety tips that can make or break how you start 2018.
Plan a Ride in Advance
Driving accidents rise during the holidays, so it’s crucial to have a safe ride on a night when so many people are out and about and possibly driving under the influence. Drunk driving kills 10,000 people in the US every year, and the Holiday season is one of the most dangerous times to be on the road. Two to three times more people die in drunk driving crashes than on average on New Year’s Eve.Don’t assume that you will be able to hail a cab or buy an uber because of the influx of people. Know your options in advance and decided whether you will take public transit or carpool with your friends.
Don’t Leave Your Car Overnight
Did you know that New Year’s Day is the second most active holiday for holiday car thefts? If you have to leave your car somewhere overnight, be sure that it’s locked and make sure it’s in a safe location.
Don’t Use Fireworks or Firearms
Leave fireworks to the professionals. More than 11,000 people sustained injuries from fireworks last year, including eight fatal injuries. Guns also make appearances at New Year’s Eve parties, but it might not be a good idea with the holiday crowds. It’s never a good idea to fire a gun aimlessly and a bullet fired in the air can travel up to two miles before falling back down at speed between 300 and 700 feet per second. That’s fast enough to injure you severely or even result in death. Stray bullets kill dozens of people annually.
Here at McGinity law firm, we care deeply about everyone’s safety. Through Douglas McGinity’s years representing individuals and families in the greater New Orleans area and across the state of Louisiana, he knows fire-hand how difficult it can be for someone dealing with an injury. From The McGinity Law Firm, we wish you all a safe, happy, and healthy New Year!